Solving fractions is hard when done mentally. You need pen and paper to solve it manually if you want to get and efficient result. And even if you know how to solve it, sometimes you still make mistake in your computation. You cannot trust your computed result by doing it only one time. You need to review it atleast one time to make sure you got the correct answer. This process takes some effort, consumes more time, and drains more energy from you. In short, this process of solving fraction manually is not efficient and accurate at all. You need a sure-way process. You need a bullet-proof method to get the exact computation. And the solution for this issue is to use a fraction solver. This tool is very efficient and presented below. You can use it anytime you need a fraction calculation.

Whole Numbers

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Fraction solver is a tool designed to solve all kinds of fraction problems. It deals all arithmetic operations related to fractions. All kinds of fractions such as proper, improper, mixed numbers and even their combination are dealt with. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and their combinations are done with this tool without making any error. It has been tested and used for over five years now. The user will just input the operation they need by pressing the corresponding buttons.

Fraction Solver Parts Description And Their Usage:

Simplify - This button is used to simplify a given fraction. The user will input the fraction he wants to be simplified and press the Simplify button. To input a fraction, he just needs to press the whole number button if it has a whole number followed by the numerator button and then lastly the denominator button. If the fraction is already at its simplified state, it will remain the same even if simplify button has been hit several times.

Whole Numbers - These buttons are darker gray in color and are bigger and bulkier than numerators and denominators button. These buttons are located at the left side of the fraction solver and must be pressed if ever the operation involves whole numbers otherwise there is no need to press these buttons.

Numerators – These buttons are located at the upper right side of the fraction solver and are smaller than whole numbers button but same in size with denominators button. They are white in colors. The user may not need to press these buttons if the numerator they want to enter is one (1) because the numerator will be automatically set to one (1) if the user will directly press the denominator buttons.

Denominators – These buttons are light gray in color and located the lower right side of the fraction solver. The user may directly press these buttons and bypass the numerator buttons if the fraction’s numerator is one (1).

Backspace – This button is used when you want to delete a digit or operation. This is done one press at a time until all the operations or digits you want to delete are removed.

A/C – This button is pressed if you want to clear the screen and want to start over.

÷ - This button is used to divide a fraction.

× - This button is used to multiply.

+ - This is for addition of fractions.

- - This is for subtraction of fractions.

= - When the desired fraction operations are set, the equal button is pressed to make the fraction solver start the process of computing the problems and display the result.

Why Fraction Solver Has Been Created?

The creator has once felt the weight of the consequence when someone makes a mistake of computing a very simple fraction. There was a wealthy man who as five legal and two illegitimate children. According to the law of the country they live in, to divide the inheritance, the illegitimate child must have half the value of what the legitimate child inherit. Fortunately there are only two illegitimate children. So their inheritance value must be equal to that one legitimate child. So the computation must be each legal child must get 1/6 of inheritance while the illegitimate children must get 1/12 each. Computing these fractions must be cumbersome when done manually. That is why the idea was born to create a tool that will compute a fraction automatically.

Scenarios Suitable For This Tool:

A math teacher is creating a questionnaire for the examination of his 60 students. To make a reference answer as well as the solutions for the items related to fractions, he can use the fraction solver tool. This will save him time that can be used for preparing other math topics as well as give him some time to relax.

A student is preparing his math exam and practicing the topic about fraction. He has no means of confirming whether his answer is right or wrong. He can only check and review it several times until he is sure that his answer is correct by having the same answer after several checking. This process is time consuming and he might not cover the whole topic to study. By using fraction solver as a guide whether his manual calculation is correct might help him learn fast and make him confident about the topic.

Another scenario is a businessman calculating his profits in business. Normal physical calculator has a limited feature in computing about fraction. There are some which has fraction computation functionality but have to set a certain settings. There is need to have a tool specific only in calculating fractions. So this fraction solver tool would really help a lot.

A cook might need to sum up all the ingredients of a certain dish but unable to do so because some of the ingredients quantity are in fractions form. The need to sum it up might be because of the need to have the correct proportion between the soup and the dish or whatever factors that needs to have a good proportion. Computing it manually is not an ideal solution because a cook is a cook and not a mathematician. Computing it with exact results might need the service of the fraction solver tool.

What People Say About Fraction Solver?

"This tool is very cool. Eversince I found this tool, my job as a cashier in a small convenience store in our town has been easier. Normally I have to compute money and there were times when an amount is related to fractions and I have to do it manually using pen and paper. This would lead me to render some unpaid overtime because since I am dealing with cash amount, I have to make sure that every computation is accurate. Sure we are using POS system and cash register but I cannot escape some situation where the fraction solver is the right tool to use." From Neddah Kramel – Arkansas.

"Hi, I love this tool. It helps me a lot in my assignments related to fraction. I am a secondary student and I have difficulty in dealing with fractions. Sometimes I feel that fraction is a beast. Now that I found this very cool tool, I am now confident in dealing with fraction." From Jessie M. – Chicago.

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